Maximized Water Management LLC

            Revitalize your surface water system to optimum flow potential   

The easiest and fastest way to remove water weeds, moss and water debris is right Here

It is safe because nothing is added to the water! It is simply removed.



Specialty Equipment for Water Management

 When a waterway is full of water weeds or debris there is very limited beneficial use from the water!

Water users like Farmers, Ranchers, Irrigation Companies, Irrigation Districts, Conservation Districts, Drainage Districts, State, local, Federal Government and the general public loose their use and benefits of having free flowing water without water weeds, invasive aquatic plants, floating storm debris, trash and garbage.

           The Aquatic Vegetation Rake is the GREEN SOLUTION for these problems.

  • Nothing is added, applied or released into the water. It simply removed!
  • Approved for organic farming methods!
  • Products for removal of aquatic vegetation, silt, sediment, rock and debris from surface irrigation systems, ponds, streams, lakes and wetlands.
  • Our system is quick and cost effective, because our services and products are entirely mechanized. No chemicals, hand digging, burning, chaining, mowing, de-watering unlike other expensive, labor intensive and potentially hazardous methods.
  • Our equipment is specifically and specially designed to meet desired results with minimized negative impact to canals, streams, ditches, bridges, structures, canal banks, crops, desirable vegetation or wildlife.
  • The result are maximized water flow by removing aquatic vegetation, , obstructions and debris problems.
  • Complete waterway and system maintenance equipment for sale and consulting services also available.
  • AVR (Aquatic Vegetation Rake) Patent Pending – an aquatic vegetation removal system.
  • The AVR removes the root of the problem. By removing the root system of Aquatic Vegetation we have found that (depending on the type of vegetation) it will not be a management problem for years!
  • There are several benefits of the AVR system besides removing the aquatic vegetation’s roots and stems. Water remains in the waterway. The AVR can reshape and remove silt deposits if desired. With our equipment your system is de-mossed and cleaned at the same time.
  • Maximized Water Management LLC. offers products to maximize your water’s beneficial usage.
  • Products for surface water management is our specialty, not a sideline. This is why we call ourselves Maximized Water Management LLC.


The Aquatic Vegetation Rake (AVR)   the Green Solution for removing waterway weeds and floating debris simply and quickly.  The AVR is a proven waterway management tool for canals, ditch, ponds, swamp, wetlands, lake and river shores


  • The AVR is best used on Excavators and equipment with booms
  • Aquatic vegetation rake (AVR) (patent pending)
  • Other attachments and equipment available to meet specific customer needs

Water is a very valuable asset

 Maximized Water Management’s equipment is used by all types of water users, such as private Farms and Ranches, Canal mangers, canal companies, irrigation districts and conservation districts. We also work with State, County and City governments, Government Road and Bridge departments, State and Federal agencies and private organization who manage wetlands and waterways. Our equipment is also well suited for clean up of sediments, silt and debris removal caused by floods and high water flows.

Our specialty is using the right equipment for the job required. We don’t use a sledge hammer when a scalpel is required.

We at Maximized Water Management LLC understand that water is a very valuable asset to those who own and use it. We also know that now and in the future the value and demand for water will continue to increase. Our goal is to maximize the use and benefit of every gallon of water. This is why we call ourselves Maximized Water Management LLC.

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